The best hair transplant surgeons predict that close to 100% of their procedures will be successful. This procedure is so advanced that anyone looking at hair restoration may expect effective and long-lasting results. However, a cursory look on the internet will reveal that not every hair transplant is successful. What can go wrong? If you’re thinking of opting for this popular procedure, how can you make sure that your results are what you want aesthetically? What are some of the reasons hair transplants may fail?
Can stress cause a hair transplant to fail?
There are many different ways in which stress can adversely affect the human body, from panic attacks to weight loss and even hair loss. If you are a person who deals with stress on a daily basis, you may be concerned as to whether it would have an effect on your hair transplant. If you lose some hair during the initial phase of your transplant, most prominent hair transplant specialists concur that it will not have an effect on your hair. There are, in fact, certain aspects of your daily routine that can influence the success of your hair transplant.
What are the chances of hair transplant failure?
The physician and the surgical staff’s experience determine how frequently hair transplants are unsuccessful. In non-professional hair transplant clinics, the failure rate ranges from 30% to 50% of all operations. It is less than 2% in a professional facility.
Can your body reject a hair transplant?
There are some instances in which a patient’s physiology can be responsible for poor outcomes after hair transplant surgery. In general, it’s difficult to differentiate an individual’s error from this condition, although this is a rare occurrence. It is frequently difficult to determine whether a hair transplant “fails” because of an external mistake or post-transplant Lichen planopilaris (LPP). Post-transplant Lichen planopilaris (LPP) is normally responsible for the alopecia that occurs after transplantation in a lot of cases. LPP is a scalp condition that causes patchy alopecia. Fortunately, these percentages are low and theoretical. Because hair transplantation is so safe and successful in the hands of an experienced hair transplant doctor and medical team, worrying about something like this happening should probably be unnecessary. It is, however, important to note that the likelihood of the body rejecting a hair transplant is extremely small.
What can I do instead of a hair transplant?
Hair loss is a difficult thing to deal with. It can be embarrassing, and it can make you feel less confident about yourself. Luckily, there are plenty of options for recovering from hair loss and preventing it from happening again in the future.
One option is low-level laser therapy. This procedure uses lasers to stimulate blood flow to the area where hair has fallen out, which helps strengthen existing hair follicles and promote new growth. However, this technique only increases shaft thickness and cannot on its own prevent hair loss or promote new growth. There is some debate among medical professionals about whether this form of therapy is worth the time and effort, as it provides only minimal benefits.
Another alternative to hair transplants is a hair growth tonic or cosmetic cover-ups such as a wig or a hairpiece. If you’re experiencing hair loss or would like more hair growth, speaking with a hair transplant expert or medical professional about their recommendations for these options is a start!
What happens if a hair transplant fails?
Hair transplant failure is a devastating scenario for the patient. Hair transplantation is supposed to be a positive and exciting event for the patient, so hair transplant failure is particularly disheartening. Hair transplant surgeon desires to prevent their patients from having a hair transplant failure, so a great deal of time and effort is invested in preparation to minimize the possibility of a failed hair transplant.
If a hair transplant fails, the patient should first seek to identify the cause. There may be several reasons why a hair transplant might fail, but the hair transplant physician should have discussed any potentially harmful issues with the patient during the initial consultation. Certain behaviors or health conditions may cause a hair transplant to fail, but it is vital for the patient to be forthright when discussing a hair transplant with the doctor.
Even if the doctor and patient have discussed pre-and post-operative care and assessed the risks specific to the individual patient, hair transplant failure is exceedingly rare. A patient should be aware of all the reasons why a hair transplant might fail and how to address it in the extremely uncommon situation that it does. During the procedure, desiccation is the most typical cause of failure in a hair transplant. The graft spends too much time outside of the body from the time it is extracted from the donor site to the time it is transplanted into the recipient site. A team of medical professionals including nurses and assistants is used in this procedure, which is why every follicular unit is viable when it is transplanted into the recipient site.